I remember I did a post in my room in Cendana before I left at here, as the mark of the end of life as a Junior in Cendana and also the sign of beginning as a Senior in Cemara.
My first outing in Cendana to KL
Last outing and also the last picture =)
But how about now? I had even finish my term in Cemara, and of course, in INTEC as well.
However, the reason to write this piece of sharing after for so long is because life in INTEC has been greater than arrangement of words.
Life in INTEC has been greater than arrangement of words.
-Photo credits to etchwa-
So, I wrote and then I alter..then I delete later on…
This happen for a few times..
Only until today, I got my realisation…
Why am I writing this for?
For others to admire this great piece of summary by being as descriptive as possible…
To include as many people and events as possible to let who and who to felt excited…
Those are actually the few reasons of me writing the wrote-alter-deleted posts initially.
Later on, I just realise it is so hard to do something and produce something to satisfy others especially to get the “LIKES “of everyone.
(These are some of the reasons why I rarely feel of posting in Facebook, as I felt the sense of craving for “LIKES” is so high that we defeated the purpose of writing.)
At last, I decided my only purpose to write is to note things I would remember the most about Cemara for me to look back again on this journey perhaps many many years later…
The hardest and greatest thing I learn is to know ourselves better first before we even want to learn about others.
I observe how competition happens around me, or sometimes is not even really competition, is more of a prey-predator relationship. Those who strong not only outweigh the weak, but even have the tendency to destroy the weaker ones for their own needs and stability within the territory.
“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond the winning.”
-Lao Tzu-
Therefore, if we always want to look left and right around us, we will fall into this trap of delusion and we will get into the endless merry-go-round of this life’s survival-of-the fittest.
Those who win and lose are definitely in a different status of achievement, but they share the commonness of feelings which is unsatisfactory.
Those who win will never feel enough but to win more or else they might also have fear if they cannot maintain this championship.
Whereas, those who lose will feel that they do not deserve that defeat and so struggle to win next time.
Either way, they get into mental illness- depression!
Depression will arise…if we cannot let it go!
However, when we just ask questions such as ,
“what that actually give us the actual happiness”
“what do we really want from here”
then we will realise more of our responsibilities and purpose why we are actually here.
Can we hold the burden of the world when we can’t even hold on our life firmly?
Yet,I am not denying the truth which is we will never escape from competition and survival for life, this is a part of the nature.
But, what we can do is to stay above of this delusion so that our mind will be in the right state, then we can control our life better, rather letting life to control us.
To do this is stay clear and empty the mind, then peacefulness will be overwhelmingly full filling into the empty space.
The lotus will never run away from living on the mud, in fact it is the essential of its life. But, it can rise above the mud and bloom amazingly. Same to life, we can never escape from the realistic competition, but we can rise above this illusion of mind to see the truth
Maybe this is the reason why I just archive little in life.
A contented man with no big ambition to change the world but only myself
Because every time when I can change myself, I felt there is nothing anymore I need to change in the world…
Just enough for me and others,
Just live in the present moment and aware of every drops of life,
This is freedom, this is Nirvana…
I hope this will serve as a good reminder when I study elsewhere, when conditions will be harder and more demanding. If I don’t, no problem, I just have to open back this piece of words and remind myself again =)
“A photo is a faithful portrait
The smile that friendship shares
To add its sunshine and to show
That someone really cares.”
Author- unknown
p.s A young friend voice out that he suffer from “pening” when he reads here due to too many words, so some pictures this time. =)