Well, my time is just condensed to answer the call by the semester examination that lasted a week and ended about 3 days ago.
Well, that is not important, since it's over. I will just keep my fingers crossed and pray hard.
I have never mentioned much about my current life in INTEC, since I thought it will be so dull to write about it.
But surely to be different now, as there have been so much ups and downs happening here.
I would not be able to write what happen from the very first day, so I will just break it into few parts.
Registered and met my room mates with the name of Chien Chong,Iskandar,Izzat,Tiong, and Wai Hong (arranged alphabetically, no bias here).
Later on, Iskandar left, Wai Hong often return to Puchong, and Izzat is only once in the blue moon seeing him in the room with us except when he is back to sleep.
So basically, you can know who is always around. Sometimes, it is kind of a pleasant thing to happen since it is more peaceful (not to mean they are noisy), more space around(as we can use their tables) and more freedom (as we can kutuk and gossip about them)
Room mates: from left we hav Tiong, Wai Hong, me Chien Chong
Before our class begin, we have this Minggu Mesra Siswa. Yes, it is fun and interesting, but maybe if you ask me, that should be the last time I would like to attend that.
Throughout that week, I know Tee Kee Chun, which later known as David =P other than Bobby, which later on very less often visited us until the last few weeks before sem break or when he need some help (wahaha, I knew you might read this, but still that is how I perceived).
Besides, I know this passive quite and boring guy called Ming Khai in MMS. He sounds so indecisive and wasting his parents money when he initially chosen Dentistry but later switched to Pharmacy because of JPA. His outlook with partially tinted glass with sleepy face and uncomb hair with that white arm sling bag just tell me, this is a very boring lame guy to know much, despite I have tried to converse wtih him a few times.
Other than that, I get to know Ming Keat, Bing Yang, Gordon, and Khoo after a few times knock onto them in front the room. Anyway, if you don't know, they are our close neighbour. That time, I didnt want to talk much with them, especially Ming Keat, because he really look so cocky, must be because he thinks that he is so great. But my perception actually change when I visited them for the first time. But if you ask me why, better not to know =P.
From behind left: Ming Khai (lame), Khoo (ego), Five (acting cool)
From behind right: Tiong (smile-less), me (no comment), and Ming Keat (cocky)
In school, I know many more new friends, new simply mean more girls actually. With 16 girls and 8 guys, it makes this class to suffer of the "genderically" mutation. Anyway, we have lots of fun and excitement.
Specially thanks to the English lecturer, Miss Hanie which have bring us all the meaning in INTEC filled with unconditional love (not forgetting her real life stories where we will keep our lips seal forever about that)
Miss Hanie, the one and only unique English lecturer
In class, I know more about people like Taufiq, Amin,and Parthee. Initially, all were really shy. I can still remember how quite Parthee was for the first 2 weeks of class, though later on the otherwise happen. Besides, Mr Five who used to ask me what I have for breakfast. And when I said "half boiled egg", he will show be a grunt on his face. Since then, I have answered him the same answer because I hated that reaction.
Well, everything just move on, from days to weeks, and from weeks to months. Quiz followed by Test, Test followed by Quiz and it goes on repetitively. After class, ALM cafe for lunch, stay back for KO-PLN, rush for the bus or have to be as if sitting in a roller coaster or going for a Formula 1 race swirling left and right, reach Cendana with sleepy eyes, change into casual, walk to Pasar for Mak Indon, come back and study, wake up for tomorrow and the day just repeats itself. Sigh...
So what, is this a LIFE? Well, it can be a YES, it can be a NO... but if this is what going to constantly repeat itself for the next semester or for the next 2 years, I can really become crazy... Something need to be fixed.. That will be the turning point of my life in INTEC and Cendana as well as the peak of momentum for this semester.
Let us keep that for the next time or it will be too long.
cendana is not so bad...use heart to feel every moment when u r thr....=D